

  • 545 South Street, Boston: 17,000 square-foot single-story office building (design-build project)
  • Tabor Academy, Marion, Massachusetts: complex renovation required shoring up a two-story building with a 45-foot clear span to achieve new open floor plan
  • Sage Therapeutics, Cambridge, Massachusetts: installed structural steel to create new floor opening for the custom-built connecting stair and stainless-steel cable railing to expand office space. All steel was brought in through a window
  • Ferguson-Daddario Plumbing, Franklin, Massachusetts: 35,000 square-foot addition. Contributed to pre-design construction budgeting to confirm client’s budget
  • Sarepta Therapeutics, Andover, Massachusetts: 8,000 square-foot addition. Completed steel fabrication and installation within 4 weeks of receiving final dimensions (fast-track project)

Work With Us

What kind of project do you have?

Project Type
Design/buildRenovationFast track

Fabrication Type
Structural steelMiscellaneous metalsCustom

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Apple Store, Market Street, Lynnfield MA

Fast-track project. Custom tapered girders to create thin-profile hip roof. Client pushed for early mobilization ASAP. We communicated to project team the benefits of allowing us to take an extra week to fabricate large roof truss assemblies to limit erecting time. This enabled the project to gain an extra two weeks of schedule by accelerating additional concrete work for underground MEP that otherwise had to start after steel erection.

Custom Monumental Stair, Boston MA

Dunnage frame on existing building. Fast-track project. Fabricated the 10’-0” wide stair in 4 sections that weighed over 12,000 lbs each to limit install time and accelerate the overall project schedule.

Custom Residential Stair Boston, MA

Design-build project. Fabricated and installed on 3rd floor of existing building

1265 Main Street Pergola Waltham, MA

Design-build project. AESS finished. All welded connections sanded to smooth finish. Coordinated hidden connection to support wood purlins to create floating aesthetic.

Shady Hill School Cambridge, MA

Stainless Steel Cable Railing. Fabricated and installed on existing roof edge.

Shady Hill School Cambridge, MA

Monumental Stair with open cantilever tread designed to support glass railing. (Glass railing by others.)

Holiday Inn Aess Entry Canopies, Taunton, MA